Member Interview: Kyle

Kyle Interview

You might recognize Dr. Kyle Murray, D.C. from our recent spine health clinic.  He’s been at Reverb for over a year and just did his first goal review – let’s hear from him why he keeps coming back!

How long have you been coming here and what keeps you coming back to Reverb?

“Coming up on a year and a month, and I keep coming back because of the community, great coaching, awesome support, and just having those workouts ready to go so I can show up, do it, and get on with my day”

What’s your highlight from the last 3 months?

“Getting a PR on thrusters, and also just being able to be a good dad and be strong for my son and my wife – to be able to have energy to play”

What’s your goal for the next 3 months?

“Hit the 200 [lb body weight] mark, and really dial in my body fat percentage while building muscle.  Making sure my nutrition is right and cutting out some sweets.”

Kyle did his first goal review (included with membership at Reverb) so he can get the most out of his membership and hit his next goal – which for him is adding muscle up to 200lbs body weight without adding much extra body fat in the process.  

We made a couple minor updates to his training and nutrition plan so he knows exactly what to do to get there.  We’ll check back in with him in 3 months and in the meantime our coaches will be guiding him in every workout!


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