Technique Thursday: Sumo Deadlift High Pull

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It’s Technique Thursday where we talk about a movement we’re doing tomorrow, WHY we’re doing it, and other fun facts and tips about it!

Movement: Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Description: Start with a wide sumo stance and narrow thumbs-width grip on the bar, with chest up. Perform a deadlift followed immediately by a shrug and high pull, finishing with bar at the collarbone

Primary Movement Pattern: 


Physical Skills Developed: 

10 Physical Skills Push Press

Tips, Tricks, and Fun Facts: 

The Sumo Deadlift High Pull is a foundational CrossFit movement because it teaches the athlete to transfer power from the legs and hips, through the upper body extremities, and into an object (the bar) – while developing strength, power, flexibility, coordination, balance, and accuracy!

The “core to extremity” movement pattern carries over to many sports including the olympic lifts Snatch and Clean & Jerk, and can also be found in real life when lifting certain objects! 


  • Start with a wider than hip width sumo stance and narrower than hip width grip on the bar, with chest up, hips down, and shoulders over or in front of the bar. Maintain neutral spine.
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  • Perform a sumo deadlift by pressing feet into the ground while extending knees and hips and keeping the bar close to the body
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  • As full hip and knee extension is reached, initiate a shrug.  Arms should still be straight.
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  • Continue the momentum of the bar with a high-pull, keeping elbows above the bar and bringing the bar to collarbone height
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  • As the bar reaches collarbone height, allow it to fall back down to the hang position. 

Common faults:

  • Starting with and allowing the bar to travel far away from the body
  • Bending the elbows and pulling with the arms before the hips and knees are fully extended. “Core to extremity violation.” Make sure you finish the power generation with your big strong legs and hips before using your smaller weaker arms to finish.

Check out our social media for the slow motion video with commentary and have one of our coaches check your technique tomorrow!


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