Have you ever struggled with motivation to get to the gym? If you haven’t, you’re not human.
Here are 5 ways to improve your motivation:
1. Regularly review your progress. Success creates motivation, not the other way around. At CrossFit Reverb, we celebrate wins every day on the whiteboard, every week in our private members groups, and every quarter in a Goal Review meeting with your coach.
2. Set clear, achievable goals. Set a realistic goal for 3 months in the future and agree with your coach on the process to get there. Break the process down into a weekly plan. For example: attend 3 CrossFit sessions per week and in the first two weeks focus on drinking tea/seltzer/coffee instead of soda.
3. Work with a coach. There are a million different ways to get fit, and in fact it can be done in your bedroom by yourself for free. But almost none of us would stick with it by ourselves for long enough to get results, or know exactly what we should be focusing on first. Your coach provides you the most elegant solution based on YOUR starting point and YOUR goals, which means your effort is converted into RESULTS in the quickest and most efficient way.
4. Surround yourself with like-minded, positive people. Join a community of people who share your goals and are achieving them. It’s more fun and they’ll give you tips and support along the way.
5. Focus on the process. This is where “motivation” turns into “discipline,” which is a more reliable practice for the long term to achieve and sustain amazing results. Follow the plan that you put in place with your coach – especially the days when you don’t feel like doing it – and the results will be there at your next review. Once you start enjoying the process itself, you have won the game because you’ll be able to continue it indefinitely.
Pick one or two of these and implement them THIS WEEK!