Sunday Preview 7/14/24

Weekly PReview 2

Welcome to week 2 of our strength cycle with Split Jerk and Deadlift! Split jerk focus is improving technique with moderate weight, while Deadlift focus is building to a heavy set without pushing to failure.

Monday – Strength cycle: Deadlifts; followed by variation of the girl WOD Christine – air bike, deadlifts, and box jumps

Tuesday – Handstand progression skill/strength work; followed by triplet with sit-ups, running, and farmers carry

Wednesday – Strength work: squat clean thruster; followed by couplet with thrusters and rowing

Thursday – Strength cycle: split jerk; followed by couplet with pull-ups and DB clean & jerk

Friday – Couplet with deadlifts and wallballs; followed by core finisher

Saturday – Partner Hero WOD “Small”: rowing, burpees, box jumps, and running

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