It’s Technique Tuesday where we talk about a movement we’re doing tomorrow, WHY we’re doing it, and other fun facts and tips about it!
Movement: Front Squat
Description: With the bar in the front rack position, squat to below parallel and stand back up
Primary Movement Pattern:

Physical Skills Developed:

Tips, Tricks, and Fun Facts: The front squat is a foundational progression of the squat movement which builds on the back squat by requiring and developing additional midline stability and shoulder and wrist flexibility, while also being slightly more quad dominant. The front squat is the foundation for performing the clean.
Athletes should be comfortable squatting below parallel on the air squat and the back squat before progressing to the front squat. A common limitation is the shoulder and wrist mobility to get into a passable front rack position with the weight of the barbell resting on the shoulders (not the wrists). Athletes should stay very light or modify to DB front squat or KB goblet squat while developing the mobility to achieve a stable front rack position.
The front squat is deceptively difficult compared to the back squat! Be patient as you develop the midline, upper back, and shoulder strength and mobility required to maintain good form.
- Standing with the bar in the front rack position (bar resting on the shoulders which are slightly hunched forward and up. Loose grip maintained on the bar, elbows high in front).
- Shift hips back to initiate the movement.
- Squat down to below parallel (hip crease below top of knee), maintaining points of performance: tall chest, high elbows, knees tracking in line with toes, weight balanced on heel/midfoot.
- Stand back up to full extension while maintaining all the same points of performance.
Common faults:
- Lack of mobility to achieve stable front rack position. Stay very light, or modify to DB front squat or KB goblet squat. Work on lat and thoracic spine mobility and front rack activation drills.
- Elbows falling on the way down or at the bottom. Stay lighter, go slower, and fight to maintain high elbows!
- Initiating movement with knee bend instead of hip shift.
Check out our social media for the slow motion video with commentary and have one of our coaches check your technique tomorrow!