It’s Technique Tuesday where we talk about a movement we’re doing tomorrow, WHY we’re doing it, and other fun facts and tips about it!
Movement: Strict Pull-Up
Description: Start hanging from the pull-up bar. Pull your chin above the bar without using momentum.
Primary Movement Pattern:

Physical Skills Developed:

Tips, Tricks, and Fun Facts: THE fundamental body weight pulling movement! We’re developing strength in our grip, biceps, upper back, lats, and core. This week we’re focusing on the “strict” version (without using momentum) to build foundational strength.
Newer athletes will start with a ring row and progress to a banded strict pull-up with smaller and smaller bands, building the strength to eventually complete a full strict pull-up, which is a big accomplishment!
– Hang from the pull-up bar with slightly wider than shoulder width grip, thumb wrapped under and around the bar, knuckles rotated forward to the top of the bar.
– Engage lats and biceps to pull your chin above the bar; keep core tight for stability
– Control your body back down to starting position to complete the rep.
Common faults:
– Weak grip: thumb on top of the bar and knuckles low on the bar. This promotes slipping (blisters) and potentially falling off the bar when grip fails. Proper grip wraps thumb around the bottom of the bar and rotates knuckles forward on top of bar, reducing slipping. Proper grip also provides an automatic detection system for when it’s time to drop down off the bar and rest your grip: when your thumb isn’t wrapped around the bar any more.
– Using momentum with a kip or flipper feet at the top. Maintain a high standard and develop the strict strength!
Check out our social media for the slow motion video with commentary and have one of our coaches check your technique tomorrow!