Technique Tuesday – Snatch

Snatch 6 catch

It’s Technique Tuesday where we talk about a movement we’re doing tomorrow, how the heck we get started on such a complex one, and other fun facts and tips about it!

Movement: Snatch

Description: Pull the bar from the ground to overhead in one fluid movement and then stand all the way up!

Primary Movement Pattern:

6 Movement Patterns 5.5 x 4.25 in

Physical Skills Developed:

10 Physical Skills 5.5 x 4.25 in

Tips, Tricks, and Fun Facts: The snatch is THE hardest movement we do! 

It’s highly technical and requires and develops 8 out of the 10 physical skills at the same time.  That’s why we do it! [strength, power, coordination, speed, flexibility, agility, balance, and accuracy!] 

Don’t worry if you’re nowhere near landing a full snatch – there is a LOT of fitness to be gained by starting with the basics, with the PVC pipe, and working your way up, one practice session at a time.

Our newer athletes will start with the much simpler hang power snatch, at light weight, to learn the basic movement pattern of jumping and landing with the bar.  Even with this first progression, you’re already developing the 8 physical skills at the same time!

Once the hang power snatch is solid, the athlete will learn how to patiently pull the bar from the ground for a power snatch from the ground.

Lastly, as shoulder strength and flexibility develops to the point of a sound overhead squat, the athlete can start receiving the bar lower and lower, eventually catching it at the very bottom of the squat.  

Be very patient on your snatch journey, and prioritize technique, technique, technique with light weight first!


– Wide grip on the bar, back flat, arms straight, bar at your shins, shoulders slightly in front of the bar.

Snatch 1 setup


– Smoothly deadlift the bar to the knees, with shoulders and hips rising at the same rate.  This is the slowest and most patient phase.

Snatch 2 first pull

– As the bar passes the knees, raise the chest to vertical and bring the hips forward to meet the bar, while maintaining knee bend in preparation for jumping. The speed is increasing during this phase.

Snatch 3 second pull

– As the bar reaches the hips, jump with maximum power and shrug the shoulders with arms still straight, sending the bar upward close to the body. This is the fastest phase.

Snatch 4 third pull

– The bar is now weightless. Pull your body downward underneath the bar using “high elbows” and keeping the bar close.

Snatch 5 dropping under 1

– Receive the bar overhead with hips back and down, weight balanced on the middle of the foot, and bar located above the middle of the foot.

Snatch 6 catch 1

– Stand up all the way to complete the rep 

Snatch 7 finish

Common faults:

– Bar too far away from the body – either from bouncing off the hips or from pulling too fast in the first phase

Snatch 8 fault bar away

– Catching bar in front of the head – often a compensation for lack of shoulder flexibility or lack of confidence in the correct overhead squat/power position. Stay light (start with pvc!) and work the proper position!

Snatch 9 fault overhead

Check out our social media for the slow motion video with commentary and have one of our coaches check your technique tomorrow!


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