It’s Technique Tuesday where we talk about a movement we’re doing tomorrow, WHY we’re doing it, and other fun facts and tips about it!
Movement: Ring Row
Description: Hold onto the low rings while leaning back to about 45 degrees. Pull the rings to your chest and lower back down.
Primary Movement Pattern:

Physical Skills Developed:

Tips, Tricks, and Fun Facts: We’re back this week with another scaled version of the pull-up! The ring row is a great place to start building strength in the upper back, lats, biceps, and grip. It is a movement performed with deliberate control to focus primarily on strength, as opposed to the dynamic jumping pull-up we covered last time, which uses more power and coordination.
The difficulty level of the ring row is easily adjusted by stepping forward (harder) or backward (easier) – and can be made every bit as hard as a pull-up! Make sure to set your feet at a level that is challenging.
– Hold onto the low rings and lean back to about 45 degrees with arms fully extended.
– With control, pull the rings to your chest, keeping spine neutral and elbows close to your sides.
– Lower back down to the starting position
Common faults:
– Elbows too high and outside
– Losing neutral spine
Check out our social media for the slow motion video with commentary and have one of our coaches check your technique tomorrow!