Technique Tuesday – Push-up

push up 2 bottom

It’s Technique Tuesday, you know the drill – hot tips coming at you FAST. 

Movement: Push-up

Description: From the plank, lower your chest the ground, then press back up to a plank.

Primary Movement Pattern:


Physical Skills Developed:

10 Physical Skills pistols 1

Tips, Tricks, and Fun Facts: The classic fundamental body weight upper body pressing exercise!  The push-up builds strength in the chest, triceps, shoulders, and midline.   

At Reverb, we always prioritize working through a full range of motion, so that means whether you’re doing a scaled version (knee push-ups or box push-ups) or not, your chest is touching the ground (or the box) every rep.  This develops shoulder flexibility and stability in the deeper range of motion (which is what we want!)

Make sure to keep the midline stable in a very slight hollow position throughout the movement. The thighs should not touch the ground. 

Start with push-ups to a box, then progress to knee push-ups on the ground, and eventually the full push-up.  


– Start in a plank with hands slightly wider than shoulders, active midline.

push up 1 start


– Lower your chest touch the ground; keep elbows at about 45 degree angle from body and midline static in a slight hollow position.

push up 2 bottom 1

– Press back up to starting position.

Scaling Option:

– box push-up – use these if knee push-ups are too tough. Adjust the box height for more or less challenge!

push up 5

Common faults:

– elbows flared out wide at 90 degrees – places more stress on the shoulders.

push up 4 fault elbows

– the worm: thighs touching the ground and lingering on the way up.  Keep your midline tight and slightly hollow.

push up 3 fault thighs

Check out our social media for the slow motion video with commentary and have one of our coaches check your technique tomorrow!


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