Technique Tuesday – Kettlebell Swing

kb swing 3 top

It’s Technique Tuesday where we talk about a movement we’re doing tomorrow, WHY we’re doing it, and other fun facts and tips about it!

Movement: Kettlebell swing

Description: Hold the kettlebell with both hands and swing it from between the legs to all the way overhead.

Primary Movement Pattern:


Physical Skills Developed:

image 7

Tips, Tricks, and Fun Facts: The kettlebell swing develops strength in the glutes, hamstrings, midline, back, biceps, and grip – wow!  It’s a dynamic movement so it also develops power, balance, and coordination. And the overhead extension at the top requires flexibility and accuracy!

The power in this movement comes from explosive hip extension.  That means you should be hinging forward to about 45 degrees and then squeezing your glutes and thrusting your hips forward every rep to create the momentum to swing the kettlebell up – not lifting the weight with your arms and not using a squat or jumping movement.  It takes a little practice to get used to!

Start by swinging the kettlebell only up to eye level (Russian kettlebell swing) until you get the rhythm.  Then you can progress to all the way overhead and heavier weights.


– Feet shoulder width or wider, holding the kettlebell handle with both hands in the hang position

kb swing 2 start or midswing


– Bend knees slightly, then hinge forward at the hips to about 45 degrees while swinging kettlebell back between legs with straight arms. Maintain neutral spine.

kb swing 1 backswing

– Explosively flex the glutes to thrust hips forward to full extension, sending the kettlebell swinging upward.

– Maintain control on the kettlebell up to full leg, hip, and arm extension overhead – everything should be stacked in a straight line.

kb swing 3 top 1

– Allow the kettlebell to fall back down into the backswing between the legs while slightly bending the knees and hinging the hips forward to about 45 degrees – go into the next rep. 

Common faults:

– Using a squat/jump movement instead of a hip hinge

kb swing f2 squat

– Hinging too far forward

kb swing f1 over hinge

Check out our social media for the slow motion video with commentary and have one of our coaches check your technique tomorrow!


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