Technique Tuesday – Jumping Pull-up

jumping pullup top

It’s Technique Tuesday where we talk about a movement we’re doing tomorrow, WHY we’re doing it, and other fun facts and tips about it!

Movement: Jumping Pull-up

Description: Jump while pulling with back and arms to reach chin above the bar.

Primary Movement Pattern: Pull

Physical Skills Developed: Power, coordination, flexibility strength

Tips, Tricks, and Fun Facts: The jumping pull-up is a common pull-up scale we use when we want to maintain a dynamic movement that uses power and coordination – as opposed to a slower more controlled movement that focuses more on strength.  

The key is to set up the right height underneath the bar to make it challenging but possible to reach chin-above-the-bar with a jump plus a pull.  Use a box, plates, or both. 


– Start with arms fully extended and slightly bent knees on the ground/box/plates.  Feet should be directly underneath pull-up bar

jumping pullup bottom


– Explosively jump while pulling with lats, upper back, and arms to propel chin to above the bar.

jumping pullup middle
jumping pullup top 1

– Land softly and return down to full arm extension underneath the bar. 

Common faults:

– Starting and finishing with bent arms

jumping pullup fault start

– Not reaching chin above the bar

jumping pullup fault top

Check out our social media for the slow motion video with commentary and have one of our coaches check your technique tomorrow!


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