It’s Technique Tuesday where we talk about a movement we’re doing tomorrow, WHY we’re doing it, and other fun facts and tips about it!
Movement: Dumbbell Push Press
Description: From holding dumbbells in the front rack position – dip, drive, and press dumbbells overhead to full arm extension.
Primary Movement Pattern:

Physical Skills Developed:

Tips, Tricks, and Fun Facts: The push press builds strength and power in the legs, core, and arms as well as shoulder flexibility, coordination, balance, and accuracy. Performing the movement with dumbbells instead of the barbell places an even greater demand on coordination, flexibility, and accuracy and develops a strong and stable overhead lockout position.
Make sure to use your legs to generate power, and transition that power smoothly by starting your overhead arm press just as your leg drive is finishing. Scale the weights appropriately to maintain a full lockout at the top!
– Hold dumbbells in the front rack position.
– Dip with the knees while keeping torso vertical
– Drive with the legs to full extension, sending the dumbbells upwards
– Press upwards with the arms to finish and full knee, hip, and arm extension.
Common faults:
– Dumbbells traveling forward instead of staying over the middle of the foot
– Knee bend after the “drive” phase (turning it into a push jerk). Squeeze the quads and glutes to keep the legs straight after your drive.
Check out our social media for the slow motion video with commentary and have one of our coaches check your technique tomorrow!