Technique Tuesday – DB Push Press

s DB push press 3 top

It’s Technique Tuesday where we talk about a movement we’re doing tomorrow, WHY we’re doing it, and other fun facts and tips about it!

Movement: Dumbbell Push Press

Description: Dip with the knees and drive the dumbbell from the shoulder to overhead.

Primary Movement Pattern:

6 Movement Patterns 5.5 x 4.25 in 1

Physical Skills Developed:

10 Physical Skills 5.5 x 4.25 in 1

Tips, Tricks, and Fun Facts: The push press is one of the first movements we practice to learn core-to-extremity coordination. Power is generated using the big muscles and joints of the body (quads, glutes, hips, knees), and smoothly transferred to the smaller extremities (shoulder, tricep, elbow) to bring more weight overhead than would be possible without this coordination.  

The single dumbbell variation adds extra overhead balance and core stability to the movement, making it a great addition to our training!  Remember to keep your torso vertical in the first phase of the movement while dipping to achieve the most efficient vertical drive of the dumbbell.  


– Feet under your hips, stand tall with one dumbbell at the shoulder with elbow high in front.

s DB push press 1 start


– Perform a shallow dip by pressing your knees outward, keeping your torso vertical

s DB push press 2 dip

– As you reach the bottom of the dip, explode upward

– As your knees and hips reach full extension, press the dumbbell overhead, finishing with arm fully straight and vertical

s DB push press 3 top 1

Common faults:

– Torso leaning forward when dipping

s DB push press 4 fault torso

– Arm not finishing fully vertical at the top

s DB push press 5 fault top

Check out our social media for the slow motion video with commentary and have one of our coaches check your technique tomorrow!


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