It’s week 1 of a new strength cycle! Front squat, push press, and pull-ups! We’ll test a heavy 2-rep in the first week, build volume and positional work over the next 7 weeks, and re-test in week 8! Also notable this week is Friday’s test of pure stamina… it’s gonna suck and we can’t wait!
Monday – Strength cycle: front squat; couplet with front squat and ring dips
Tuesday – Strength/skill: handstand progression; intervals with rowing and toes to bar
Wednesday – Strength cycle: pull-ups; couplet with back squats and power cleans
Thursday – Strength cycle: push-press; triplet with dubs, tuck-ups, burpees
Friday – Pure stamina test: 30m plate carry (partner option available)
Saturday – Partner triplet of power snatch, chest-to-bar, and burpee box step ups