Sunday Preview 9-29-24

Weekly PReview 7

It’s week 4 of our strength cycle with front squat, push press, and pull-ups.  Use the listed percentages from week 1 as a guideline.  Newer athletes and athletes without a previous number will perform the listed sets at a moderate to challenging weight without pushing to failure.  Benchmark girl wod on Monday!

Monday – Strength cycle: pullups; Nancy: overhead squats, running

Tuesday – Dubs, pull-ups, db push-jerk, step-back lunges; core finisher

Wednesday – Strength cycle: front squat; pistols and ring dips

Thursday – Skill/strength: rope climbs; rowing, deadlift, hang power snatch

Friday – Strength cycle: push press; toes-to-bar, burpees, wall-balls

Saturday – Partner workout: plate sit-ups, power cleans, air bike

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