Welcome to Week 7 of our strength cycle where we’ll be building to heavy singles on Split Jerk and Back Squat. It’s very important that you practice and are comfortable with safely bailing out of a back squat before attempting to build to a heavy single rep. Practice during warm-up sets and check with our coaches for guidance! Newer athletes can always work higher reps at moderate weight to build confidence in good technique while building strength.
Monday – Strength: back squat; 7m sprint couplet of ascending wall balls and dubs
Tuesday – Interval metcon w/ running and pull-up variations; handstand skill progression
Wednesday – Strength: split jerk; “The Reverb 500” KB farmers carry and wall walks
Thursday – Thruster complex; “Pit Stop” fast and heavy with deadlifts, hang power cleans, squat clean thrusters
Friday – 35m cap monostructural medley with a sprinkling of light power snatches
Saturday – Partner intervals of toes-to-bar, overhead squat, and rowing