Welcome to week 1 of an 8-week Split Jerk cycle and a 4-week deadlift cycle! The focus on split jerk is a moderate weight, practicing technique for 7 rounds. The focus on deadlift is building to a heavy set of 5 without pushing to failure.
Monday – Strength cycle: Split Jerk; followed by couplet of DB burpee deadlifts and box jumps
Tuesday – Strength: Back Squat; followed by core finisher
Wednesday – Skill progression warm-up: handstand push-ups, pistols, kipping pull-ups; followed by benchmark girl WOD Mary
Thursday – Olympic Lifting: Hang Power Cleans; followed by couplet with hang power cleans and bar facing burpees
Friday – Strength Cycle: Deadlift; followed by couplet with sumo deadlift high pull and shuttle runs
Saturday – Snatch complex; followed by partner triplet with shoulder-to-overhead, walking lunges, and double unders