Sunday Preview


It’s week 6 out of 8 of our Front Squat and Push Press strength cycle. Technique is looking great and percentages are continuing to go up! The theme of the week is “love to hate” and we have a couple classic CrossFit benchmarks on Weds and Thurs: Fran and Filthy 50.  Fran is a fast and furious sprint and Filthy 50 is an endurance grinder chipper with 10 different movements, 50 reps each!

Monday – Front squats; dubs and deadlifts

Tuesday – Push-ups, hang power cleans, and rowing; core finisher

Wednesday – Push press; Fran: thrusters and pull-ups

Thursday – Filthy 50! 

Friday – Pull-up strength; running and handstand push-ups

Saturday – Partner intervals with air bike, dubs, power snatch and power clean & jerks

On Sat, Oct 19th we have athletes competing at the Three Amigos local competition at CCF Athletics (Chino CrossFit) in Chino!  Heats starting at 8am, come cheer and support!

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