We’re heading into week 5 out of 6 on our strength cycle with squat clean and deadlift! We’ll re-test next week before heading into the holidays.
We’ve been drilling on the three key positions of the clean (high hang, hang above the knee, and hang below the knee) and it’s been paying off!
Wednesday is a Heavy Day – we’re putting our full intention into lifting heavy (relative to the athlete) weight on the thruster. Thursday is an endurance focus, and we have skill/strength progression work with handstands and rope climbs on Tuesday and Saturday!
Let’s have a great week!!
Monday – Strength cycle: squat clean; front squats and db farmers carry
Tuesday – Handstand progressions; dubs, sit-ups, and wall walks
Wednesday – Heavy Day: Thrusters
Thursday – Skill work: Toes-to-bar; Partner running and toes-to-bar
Friday – Strength cycle: deadlift; hang power cleans and handstand push-ups
Saturday – Rope climb progression; partner rope climbs, burpees, air squats, and power snatch