Merry Christmas! We finished up our strength cycle last week so it’s good old CrossFit programming for a couple weeks (still plenty of strength work!!). We have a fun Open workout on Monday, and a bodyweight grinder 12 days of Christmas on Christmas Eve. Check the holiday class schedule below and get your workouts in!
Christmas classes schedule:
Tues 12/24: 7am, 8:30am, 11am
Weds 12/25: closed
Thurs 12/26: 8:30am, 11am
Monday – Skill/strength: toes-to-bar; rowing, ttb, wall-balls, power cleans, muscle ups
Tuesday – 12 days of body weight Christmas!
Wednesday – Closed
Thursday – DB snatch, wall-balls; strength: turkish get-ups
Friday – Strength: sumo deadlift; wall-walks and deadlift
Saturday – Strength: Back squat; Partner rowing and back squat