Mike, 42, just did his goal review check in after his first 3 months at Reverb. Check out his amazing results!:
Muscle: +3.5 lbs
Body Fat: -16.1 lbs
Weight: -10.1 lbs
Body Fat %: -6.4%
Let’s hear more about it from him and then we’ll see HOW he did it!
What was the problem you wanted to solve that made you want to join Reverb?
I just wasn’t seeing results, my clothes weren’t really fitting anymore, and I just wasn’t feeling good and had low energy and I just needed a change. I just didn’t have any direction. And I was trying to go on YouTube and figure out what would be a good workout to do that day. I would do it, but I wouldn’t really find consistency and I was just looking to find a spark for me to be more consistent in my workouts.
What were you doing for fitness before you came to Reverb?
Before I came to Reverb, I was just going to LA Fitness and just kind of walking around and just doing random exercises and maybe going outside and just going on a walk. Just basic exercises, nothing crazy.
How long have you been coming and what changes have you seen so far?
So I’ve been here for three months, and so far I’ve seen amazing changes. I’ve lost 10 pounds, but more importantly, I’ve built muscle mass. I’m a lot stronger, a lot more flexible. I can do movements that I’ve never even imagined that I could do. I have less pain throughout my day. Even simple things like getting down and picking up something that fell off the floor, it’s so much easier. Or picking up my daughters and helping them get in and out of the car.
Any other ways that it’s impacted your personal life?
I think just overall confidence and then being able to keep up with my daughters as they get older. One’s playing soccer and the other one softball. So I’m now actually physically practicing with my daughter, you know, passing with her, scrimmaging with her. Before, when it was time to practice at night and I was tired, I wanted to go to sleep. Now I’m like, let’s go practice, let’s go pitch some balls, let’s do batting practice. And just having more energy on the weekends. I find myself getting up earlier and doing more chores around the house, which my wife appreciates <laugh>.
What would you tell someone interested but scared to get started?
I would just tell them, don’t be scared. I was probably as scared as can be about getting hurt. My back is kind of sensitive, I didn’t want to pinch my back or get it hurt. But, when you come here, the first thing you learn is the proper technique. You always have to focus on your technique so you’re not just doing random movements. They teach you ways to modify and to ramp up. So you can be at literally any level. When I started, I was just doing air squats without the barbell and doing a lot of movements without the barbell. And then slowly you just start doing more and more at your own pace. I was a prime example of someone that didn’t want to come in at all. I just signed up while trying not to think about it too much and now I’m super happy!
So, what did Mike do to get these results in his first three months?
He started with his No Sweat Intro Meeting where he discussed his goals, background, and nutritional assessment with a coach and received a recommended plan.
Next, he followed the plan, which started with his On Ramp training program: getting confident with CrossFit fundamentals under the guidance of our coaches.
After that, Mike started consistently attending group CrossFit classes 2-3 times per week.
Most importantly, Mike followed the nutrition guidance from his intro meeting and the Reverb Grocery Guide and reduced his soda and sugary sweets intake while maintaining high protein.
That’s it! Mike followed his coach’s simple plan for him, and now he’s getting amazing and well-deserved results.
He now has an updated plan and knows exactly what to do for his next 3 months.
You can catch Mike in the 8:30am and 11am classes – tell him congrats next time you see him in the gym!!