What is “Heavy Day”?

Cindy back squat

Ah, Heavy Day.  Just those words have some buzzing with excitement, some cowering in fear, and others saying “that’s all we’re doing?”

Let’s see what a proper Heavy Day is and why it’s so important.

For many people, “CrossFit” brings to mind an intense 10-15 minute metcon of 2-4 movements where you finish in a puddle of sweat – and we certainly do plenty of those.

But CrossFit is a strength and conditioning methodology that prescribes constantly varied workouts.  This means that periodic (about 1/wk) days devoted entirely to strength training are essential.

A Heavy Day is when your full focus is on warming up, priming your body with proper technique, and performing somewhere in the range of 7 to 25 reps of a lift at a heavy weight relative to your current ability, usually 80%+ of your max. 

There should be 1-3 minutes rest in between sets, it should require your full focus and intensity, and in between sets you should be questioning whether or not you will really be able to make the next set. 

You should feel totally spent when you’re done.

This is how true top-end strength and power are developed.

This applies to you, me, and my mom who is 71. We’ll each be performing the Heavy Day relative to our current ability, while maintaining proper technique under the guidance of a coach. 

Top end strength and power are integral to improving your overall fitness.  If your best back squat is 100 lbs, then the metcon with 85lb back squats in it is going to get really heavy, really fast. (The same applies to any task in your life that involve moving a weighted object!)

If you increase your back squat to 175lbs, now you’ll be cruising through the metcon with 85 lb back squats in it – not to mention safely performing those activities or tasks around the household with ease.

How do you get your back squat up to 175lbs?  Do your Heavy Days and give them everything you’ve got.



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