Did you know that the best time to get started with a new exercise routine is actually… when you’re already busy? Hear me out.
Being busy is great and means you’re accomplishing things in your life. We all have periods in our life when we get busy with work, family, and social obligations.
We also know that health and fitness is a long term endeavor that requires, above all else, consistency.
If we delay starting an exercise routine until a period in life when we’re “less busy,” (if that ever happens!) then we lose the progress during that time while we’re busy, and more importantly we lose the control over our long term health and fitness.
The next time you get busy, your exercise routine will fall back off your priority list because you haven’t yet solved the problem of fitting it into your busy lifestyle.
We have very busy members who get awesome results from training as little as 3 hours per week.
There are 168 hours in a week.
You can accomplish long term health and fitness from investing 1.8% of your time.
Does it seem like a good deal to get energy, strength, confidence, and resilience against injuries and chronic disease from investing as little as 2% of your time?
Block out 3 one-hour blocks on your calendar each week, make them non-negotiable, and let’s get to work.