The Reverb Open 2025 – Get Ready

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We’re 6 weeks out from the best event of the year: the Reverb Open.

It’s 3 weeks of fun and excitement, and this year some friendly TEAM competition. 

First, block your calendars: the dates are Saturday mornings: March 1, 8, and 15 (and we’ll have a Friday evening option for those who absolutely cannot make Saturday mornings).

It’s one workout each week – totally scalable just like the workouts you do every week in the gym.  And this time you’ll have your team and your friends and family cheering you on!

Here’s how the TEAM competition will work.  The gym will be split up into 3 teams, each with captains and a funny name.  You’ll earn points for your team by participating according to the list below.  The team with the most points gets a big prize banner with their names up on the wall!

– Completing an open workout: 1 pt (2x for first timers)

– Wearing the weekly theme / your Reverb Open t-shirt: 2 pts

– Having friends/family present to cheer: 2 pts

– Judging 1 heat (may repeat): 1 pt

– Spirit: team with the most presence on social media that week: 10 pts

– Top 3 in the workout that week: M, F, M-M55+, F-M55+: 1 pt

For now, write your name up on the whiteboard at the front of class to be entered into the team selection!


But why? 

– It gives you a goal to train for.  

– It’s an annual test of your fitness to see how much you’ve improved since last year. 

– It’s a chance to take on a new challenge and push yourself outside your comfort zone (that’s how we grow!). 

– It’s fun because your gym buddies (and the whole Reverb community) will be there with you. 

– It’s a chance to support your teammates in their new challenge.  

– If you don’t, you’ll never hear the end of it from our coaches and team captains for the next 2 months. (mostly kidding…)

But I’m not good enough? 

– Did you workout at Reverb this month? And did you die? If you answered yes and no, then you are good enough! 

Does it cost money?

– No, included in your membership to participate! We will have a special edition Reverb Open t-shirt for sale soon.

What’s the difference between the “CrossFit Open” and the “Reverb Open”? 

– You can optionally register online with CrossFit for the CrossFit Open to submit your workout scores and be ranked worldwide in your division. It’s a great way to annually measure your fitness and have a goal to train for throughout the year!

When exactly / logistical details

– Saturday morning showdowns ~8am. Multiple heats with 6-8 athletes per heat. Potluck/awards afterwards TBD

– Friday night lights ~5pm for those who absolutely cannot make Saturdays

– Makeup 30m PT sessions available as needed Thurs/Sun/Mon


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